Seville temples tour

Seville temples tour

With our Seville temples tour you have the opportunity to discover, the whole year, the essence of the Sevillian Holy Week. A guided tour under a different perspective, escaping the cliché. We want you to inmmerse yourself on the important historic and patrimonial value of the Greatest Celebration of Seville.

For that, we have designed two itineraries to show you the main Temples; the most representatives brotherhoods and the most worshipful statues of Seville under a global concept of history, culture and tradition.

Seville temples tour (two different itineraries)

Photographs by Marta Peña García

Triana temples tour

We suggest you to visit with us Triana neighborhood, a key place in order to discover the Sevillan Holy Week. You could enter in the Iglesia del Patrocinio (Patrocinio Church) and see the Cristo del Cachorro, the most venerated crucified Christ of Seville.

In addition, you are going to visit the Capilla de la Estrella (Estrella’s Chapel). From it starts the procession of the Virgen de la Estrella, called “the Valiant”. Of course, you could enter in the Capilla de los Marineros (the Sailors’ Chapel), where are located the Cristo de las Tres Caídas and the Esperanza de Triana, the most famous and worshipful statues of the neighborhood, .

In order to embellish the tour, we are going to tell you stories and legends that help you to discover the peculiarities of Triana; a legendary suburb of Seville and birthplace of well-known bullfighters, singers and dancers (cantaores and folclóricas); cradle of Flamenco, and place from where set out the Fleets of India.

Old town temples tour

Another fascinating proposal is to visit the ancient and historic centre of Seville, walking through its narrow streets. The visit to the Basilica de la Macarena (Macarena Church) can’t be missed. In fact, in this temple thousand of Sevillans enter in order to pray to the famous Virgen de la Esperanza, populary known as “la Macarena”.

From there we could reach the Iglesia de los Gitanos (Gipsys’ Church), strolling close to Mudejar churches and old city wall remains. Inside the temple some remains of the Duchess Doña Cayetana de Alba were placed; close to her loved Jesús de la Salud, better known in Seville as the Cristo de los Gitanos (Gipsys’ Christ). Clearly, during this route it’s essential the visit to the Basilica del Gran Poder, in which the homonymous Christ, also called “Señor de Sevilla” (The Lord of Seville), resides. On our way to the temple, we are going to discover important squares like the Alameda de Hércules or Plaza de San Pedro. And we are going to pass close to historical places and palaces, like the Palacio de Dueñas.

[bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-user” icon_size=”32″ title=”Price per person, 12 euros” pos=”left”]Minimum amount required[/bsf-info-box][bsf-info-box icon=”Defaults-info-sign” icon_size=”32″ title=”Information about the tour” pos=”left”][/bsf-info-box]

Thanks to this tour you could discover the main temples of Seville, under a different perspective. You´ll have the chance to live the Sevillan Holy Week all year round.

Daily Tours. Reservation in advance required

Timetable. To arrange after the reservation

Duration. 2 h 30 min approximately.

Languages. Spanish, English, French and Italian.

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