The banyan tree

The banyan tree

“You must know that when you stare at a tree and you say it´s an oak or a banyan, this botanic word has conditioned your mind, standing between you and the tree. To keep in contact with it, we must place the hand on its trunk. The word won´t help us to feel it”

This sentence, from the indian writer and philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti, show the importance to observe our environment. To feel the trees and other living beings surrounding us, avoiding the negative influence of the words which define them. To implement this in Seville we have, for example, the majestic banyan tree.

One of those trees which we should feel in Seville, both visitants and locals, are the majestic australian banyans. It´s easy, because they are sited in different magic places around the city. You will get impressed with their amazing height, which can reach 30 meters; or with its corpulent trunk, from which several branches and roots are born.

In fact, their other name is “liana trees”, refering to their capacity to develop aerial roots or lianas; these lianas hold from their branches forming nets and natural columns. The seeds are spread out by birds, eating and excreting them on the upper branches of the trees. After that they germinate and start to create roots, wrapping around the tree, sometimes different species, occupying their space.

It´s a Ficus macrophylla, a kind of Ficus with big leaves, as the latin name means. But as Krishnamurti taught us, the taxonomy is not important, but the capacity to connect with its soul.

So we invite you to sit down leaning your back on its trunk, placing your hand on it, trying to feel it.

You can do it in Murillo gardens, below Santa Cruz neighborhood. You also can find it in San Pedro square, in front of the same named church where Velazquez was once baptized; or nearby emblematic buildings as the old Tobacco Factory.

And of course inside the most beautiful park in Seville, the Maria Luisa park, where gorgeous individuals were planted; for example in Gabriela Ortega and Juanita Reina roundabouts.

Andrés Pérez Vázquez

CEO y guía de apie | Experiencias Guiadas

In Seville there´s much more to see

Whether you are local or come to visit the city, APIE invite you to enjoy them in our experiences. For example, the Santa Cruz quarter free tour or our Seville temples tour. And of course in our Plaza de España free tour, where we focus not only in the banyans but also in another botanic treasures.

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