03 Oct Old Tobacco Factory of Seville

Fachada principal, Fábrica de Tabacos

This wonderful place is one of the monumental buildings of the city, built in a Renaissance style with the feel of an Escorial monastery.
The Old Tobacco Factory of Seville was built in the eighteenth century. The objective of concentrating the various tobacco companies scattered throughout the city.
In the beginning only men worked in the factory, but women eventually replaced them. Do you know why? In fact, it was a sensual gypsy cigarette worker who had inspired Merimee to write the play Carmen, also brilliantly adapted to the opera by Bizet.
The building is currently used by the University of Seville. It’s worth walking through the interior patios and gardens and admiring its overwhelming size. On this baroque façade you can see an angel with a trumpet, which according to tradition will sound when a specific person passes through this entryway. Find out for whom the trumpet sounds!
In apie we´ll be glad to show you its secrets, for example with our Seville night tour. Or what about to see this place with a Seville horse-drawn carriage tour?