18 Jul Game of Thrones in Seville
From my point of view, the filmation of Game of Thrones in Seville and other villages in Andalusia has been a success. So we’d have to thank the producers for that. They didn’t hesitate, due to the high similarities between our home and the Dorne kingdom and its capital Sunspear.
For example, the weather. Dorne is a dry land, but carved by fertile valleys, as the created by the Guadalquivir river. And of course luminous and hot, like Andalusia, above all in summer! We only have to relate the name of its city, Sunspear, with the quantity of days that the sun king is warming us with its sunbeams.
Besides, for the fifth season, the producers were seeking a set in line with the Water Gardens, the residence of the Dorne´s royalty. And there’s nothing better than the famous Seville Reales Alcázares gardens;the green area belonging to the oldest palace still in use in Europe.
So that in Game of Thrones, where several houses like Martell’s or Lannister’s were fighting each other, in the ancient Castilla Kingdom two dynasties were fiercely faced. On the one hand, the Borgoña’s, with the rightful king Peter I. On the other hand, the Trastamara’s, headed by Enrique, Peter’s half-brother.
In contrast to Game of Thrones, king’s illegitimate sons didn’t have rights. But Enrique didn’t accept it, so he started a fratricidal war between the followers of both kings. We can talk about an european war, because England supported Peter I; and France did so with the callenger Enrique.
Moreover, we have another important link. People in Dorne were very promiscuous, and the same happened inside the Royal Palace rooms. Therefore, Peter had plenty of lovers; in fact, there’s a gorgeous subterranean bath with the name of his favourite. Do you know whom?

Andrés Pérez Vázquez
CEO and guide of apie | Experiencias Guiadas
Game of Thrones in Seville; a particular vision of the Royal Palace
In our english tour inside the Alcázar we’ll show you the emplacement of the different scenes. They will be easily recognizable if you´ve seen the fifth season. And naturally we´ll speak about our own “Game of Thrones”; political plots, murders or passionate love stories that, for sure, will make you remember this spectacular monument in Seville.

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